Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"Direct democracy is a proven practice among peoples of high culture."
Mario Ferreira Dos Santos,
Influential Thinker (1907 ‐ 1968)
Brazilian philosopher and political activist
"The natural effect of unfettered market competition is socialism."
Kevin Carson,
Political theorist
American libertarian socialist and anarchist
"It is Marx's tortured truisms that give a plausibility to his works in their totality."
Laurance Labadie,
Individualist Anarchist (1898 ‐ 1975)
Anarchist, social critic and son of Joseph Labadie
"Government intervention in the market is the main source of large fortunes."
Kevin Carson,
Political theorist
American libertarian socialist and anarchist
"If you consider yourself a centrist, you're being played."
Kevin Carson,
Political theorist
American libertarian socialist and anarchist

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