Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

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Starhawk, influential voice in modern witchcraft

Miriam Simos, better known by her pen name Starhawk, was born on June 17, 1951. She is an American writer, teacher, and peace and environmental activist often associated with modern paganism, anarcha-feminism, and the goddess movement. Starhawk is one of the most respected voices in modern witchcraft, and her work The Spiral Dance (1979) is considered to be a foundational text in Neo-Paganism.

As a highly respected leader in the revival of goddess religion, Starhawk’s writings and teachings have influenced both the feminist movement and general perceptions of witchcraft and Wicca. She has been instrumental in the development of the reclaiming tradition, combining political activism and magical practice. Her political activism is rooted in her work as a global justice activist, ecofeminist and advocate for the permaculture movement, green building, and earth-based spirituality.

Date of Birth: June 17, 1951

Country of Birth: United States

Political Ideas: Anarcha-feminism, Eco-activism

Quotes Available: 1

Quotes by Starhawk

Identifying as a Pagan, feminist, Witch, and anarchist is possibly a way to alarm great segments of the general public, but at least it keeps me from sinking into a boring and respectable middle age.