Anarchist Quotes
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Robert Anton Wilson

Robert Anton Wilson: influential author and anarchist

Robert Anton Wilson was born on January 18, 1932, in the United States. Wilson is perhaps best known for his works as a futurist, author, and advocate of agnostic mysticism, Discordianism, and libertarianism. His writings were greatly influential in non-traditional circles, particularly amongst cyberculture, where his teachings promoted non-hierarchical society and free thought.

Over his career, Wilson authored 35 books and numerous articles, with his works often exploring subjects of conspiracy theories, psychology, quantum physics, and the principles of Discordianism. Wilson's writings and advocacy were fundamental in spreading non-authoritarian and free-thinking philosophies, contributing to the ideals of anarchism. His seminal work, 'The Illuminatus! Trilogy', a satirical and surrealist trilogy, co-authored with Robert Shea, has been described as 'a cult classic among conspiracy theorists' and remains to be a staple in counterculture literature. He died on January 11, 2007.

Date of Birth: 1932-01-18

Date of Death: 2007-01-11

Country of Birth: United States

Political Ideas: Non-authoritarian, Free Thought

Quotes Available: 8

Quotes by Robert Anton Wilson

Cybernetics is going to drive the whole world to decentralization which is what the anarchists have always urged. -
[Warren and Proudhon's idea] originated independently, just as like Leibniz and Newton invented the calculus, or Darwin and Wallace invented the theory of evolution simultaneously, Warren and Proudhon devoted a great deal of energy to the mutual banking idea.
If you list almost all of the assassinations that have been attributed to anarchists and assume that all of them were performed by anarchists (which is a dubious assumption by the way -- many of them were police frame-ups), but on that assumption it still turns out that more anarchists have been murdered by governments than all that can be accused of having murdered governors.
Nothing wrong with communist anarchism as long as it remains voluntary. Any one that wants to go make a commune, go ahead, do it. I got nothing against it. As long as there's room to the individualist to do his or her own thing.
I think government should be treated like religion, everyone should be able to pick the kind they like. Only it should be contractual not obligatory.
One could wager, considering the number of anarchists when Franco took over, probably a considerable portion of the Spanish population are still anarchists. And if they could get out from under the Franco dictatorship they could attempt to implement anarchism once again.
Well I sometimes call myself a libertarian but that's only because most people don't know what anarchist means. Most people hear you're an anarchist and they think you're getting ready to throw a bomb at a building.
Everybody who has ever worked for a corporation knows that corporations conspire all the time. Politicians conspire all the time, pot-dealers conspire not to get caught by the narcs, the world is full of conspiracies. Conspiracy is natural primate behavior.

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