Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

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Anonymous; Untraceable, Decentralized Activists

Anonymous is a decentralized international activist and hacktivist movement that originated on the Internet. It became well known for its various protests and direct actions, often conducted in the name of freedom of speech and privacy on the internet.

Through a movement without any acknowledged leadership, Anonymous members have protested against issues ranging from Scientology to governmental corruption, all the while aiming to maintain internet freedom. While their actions and impact ON political movements are subject to debate, what's clear is their symbol of anonymity and dissent is recognized worldwide.

Date of Birth: Not applicable

Country of Birth: Not applicable

Political Ideas: Anarchy, Privacy, Dissent

Quotes Available: 2

Quotes by Anonymous

Parliament: A compound word from "parler" (to speak) and "mentir" (to lie).
History is written by the victors.

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