Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"We won the revolution, what we lost was the war."
Abel Paz,
Anarchist Activist (1921 ‐ 2009)
Spanish anarcho-syndicalist and historian.
"Parliament: A compound word from "parler" (to speak) and "mentir" (to lie)."
Digital Activists
A symbol representing anonymity and dissent
"We're all undesirable elements from somebody's point of view."
Edward Abbey,
eco-anarchist (1927 ‐ 1989)
American author and essayist noted for radical environmentalist views.
"I can't understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I'm frightened of old ones."
John Cage,
Influential Anarchist (1912 ‐ 1992)
Composer, music theorist, philosopher
"The internationalism of socialists is just an empty phrase."
Lev Chernyi,
Poet, Anarchist (1893 ‐ 1921)
Anarchist and poet who died in a show trial.
"Revolution can never stop."
John Cage,
Influential Anarchist (1912 ‐ 1992)
Composer, music theorist, philosopher
"Heaven is home. Utopia is here. Nirvana is now."
Edward Abbey,
eco-anarchist (1927 ‐ 1989)
American author and essayist noted for radical environmentalist views.
"The demand for equality is nothing other than the demand: equal rights for all!"
Erich Muhsam,
Anarchist Writer (1878 ‐ 1934)
German-Jewish Antifascist Anarchist, Writer
"I know that I live and that I desire to live."
Bruno Filippi,
Rebel Writer (1900 ‐ 1919)
Italian individualist anarchist and writer
"I have a god (dio) like everyone else; but this god is myself (io)."
Bruno Filippi,
Rebel Writer (1900 ‐ 1919)
Italian individualist anarchist and writer
"Anarchists emphatically reject a morality which denies the original concepts of right and wrong."
Erich Muhsam,
Anarchist Writer (1878 ‐ 1934)
German-Jewish Antifascist Anarchist, Writer
"History is written by the victors."
Digital Activists
A symbol representing anonymity and dissent
"An armed citizenry is the first defense, the best defense, and the final defense against tyranny."
Edward Abbey,
eco-anarchist (1927 ‐ 1989)
American author and essayist noted for radical environmentalist views.
"Let us not lose time asking an imaginary god for what only human effort can obtain for us."
Abel Paz,
Anarchist Activist (1921 ‐ 2009)
Spanish anarcho-syndicalist and historian.
"Let us not lose time asking others to give us what we can obtain ourselves."
Abel Paz,
Anarchist Activist (1921 ‐ 2009)
Spanish anarcho-syndicalist and historian.
"Is work a social or a natural law? Work is a natural law worsened by society."
Han Ryner,
Pacifist Philosopher (1861 ‐ 1938)
French individualist anarchist and pacifist
"We must make the world safe for poverty without dependence on government."
John Cage,
Influential Anarchist (1912 ‐ 1992)
Composer, music theorist, philosopher
"Money should be for ponies, not for war, I think."
Vermin Supreme,
Perennial candidate and performance artist.
"My personal view of the anarch-capitalists is that it's an oxymoron."
Vermin Supreme,
Perennial candidate and performance artist.
"Anarchists believe we can run our lives without the government."
Vermin Supreme,
Perennial candidate and performance artist.
"We are the slaves of slaves. We are exploited more ruthlessly than men."
Lucy Parsons,
Anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1942)
Influential American labor organizer and radical socialist
"People have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Police are bureaucrats with weapons."
David Graeber,
Anarcho-Communist (1961 ‐ 2020)
Anthropologist, anarchist activist and author
"Give us what belongs to us in peace, and if you don't give it to us in peace, we will take it by force."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Whoever calls himself revolutionary and speaks of dictatorship is only an imbecile or a traitor."
Joseph Dejacque,
Anarcho-Communist (1821 ‐ 1864)
French early anarchocommunist, poet and essayist
""Soviet" power is a power no better and no worse than any other."
Nestor Makhno,
Anarcho-communist (1888 ‐ 1934)
Anarchist Revolutionary and commander of an independent army in Ukraine
"Direct action is the logical, consistent method of anarchism."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all."
Oscar Wilde,
anarcho-individualist (1854 ‐ 1900)
Irish author and poet known for his wit.
"Revolutionary methods must be in tune with revolutionary aims."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"It cannot be sufficiently emphasized that revolution is in vain unless inspired by its ultimate ideal."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Wherever there is a man who exercizes authority, there is a man who resists authority."
Oscar Wilde,
anarcho-individualist (1854 ‐ 1900)
Irish author and poet known for his wit.
"Only the shallow know themselves."
Oscar Wilde,
anarcho-individualist (1854 ‐ 1900)
Irish author and poet known for his wit.
"The only generals that we should follow are the generals of the little tin soldiers."
Georges Brassens,
anarcho-individualist (1921 ‐ 1981)
Anarchist, French singer-songwriter and poet
"One should always be a little improbable."
Oscar Wilde,
anarcho-individualist (1854 ‐ 1900)
Irish author and poet known for his wit.

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