Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"The only generals that we should follow are the generals of the little tin soldiers."
Georges Brassens,
anarcho-individualist (1921 ‐ 1981)
Anarchist, French singer-songwriter and poet
"All of the exploited, legal or illegal, cooperate in the state of domination."
Emile Armand,
Anarcho-Individualist (1872 ‐ 1962)
French individualist anarchist and prolific writer
"Good people don't much like those who tread a different path."
Georges Brassens,
anarcho-individualist (1921 ‐ 1981)
Anarchist, French singer-songwriter and poet
"Once the individual owns his own tools and his product, capitalism ceases to exist."
Emile Armand,
Anarcho-Individualist (1872 ‐ 1962)
French individualist anarchist and prolific writer
"All that marching music doesn't concern me."
Georges Brassens,
anarcho-individualist (1921 ‐ 1981)
Anarchist, French singer-songwriter and poet
"Instead of taking aim at some vague enemy, it's better wait a moment for him to turn into a friend."
Georges Brassens,
anarcho-individualist (1921 ‐ 1981)
Anarchist, French singer-songwriter and poet
"The individualist anarchist critiques to free themselves and others."
Emile Armand,
Anarcho-Individualist (1872 ‐ 1962)
French individualist anarchist and prolific writer
"The only revolution is to improve yourself, hoping that others follow. Then the world will improve."
Georges Brassens,
anarcho-individualist (1921 ‐ 1981)
Anarchist, French singer-songwriter and poet
"The individualist anarchist is never accountable to anyone but himself for his acts and gestures."
Emile Armand,
Anarcho-Individualist (1872 ‐ 1962)
French individualist anarchist and prolific writer

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