Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"As man seeks justice in equality, so society seeks order in anarchy."
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon,
Mutualist (1809 ‐ 1865)
French anarchist and political philosopher
"Property is impossible."
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon,
Mutualist (1809 ‐ 1865)
French anarchist and political philosopher
"Liberty is not daughter of order but mother of order."
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon,
Mutualist (1809 ‐ 1865)
French anarchist and political philosopher
"What is property? It is robbery!"
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon,
Mutualist (1809 ‐ 1865)
French anarchist and political philosopher
"Laws: We know what they are, and what they are worth!"
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon,
Mutualist (1809 ‐ 1865)
French anarchist and political philosopher

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