Anarchist Quotes
Anarchist Quotes

Authors List
Authors List

"Anarchy is the obliteration of property."
Anarcho-communist (1859 ‐ 1892)
French anarchist and symbol of revolt
"Our cause cannot expect me to become a nun and the movement will not be turned into a cloister."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"If revolution results only in a change of dictatorship, then it is hardly worth while."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"May the enemies of the people be terrified at the unexpected awakening."
Alexander Berkman,
Anarcho-communist (1870 ‐ 1936)
Anarchist, political activist, writer
"If today we fall without compromising, we can be sure of victory tomorrow."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist
"The authoritarian principle has been proven bankrupt by the experience of the Russian Revolution."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Today is the parent of tomorrow. The present casts its shadow far into the future."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Free love? As if love is anything but free! Yes, love is free; it can dwell in no other atmosphere."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Like it or not, the future of life on this planet pivots on the future of society."
Murray Bookchin,
Anarcho-Communist (1921 ‐ 2006)
Philosopher, social theorist, author
"Revolution is indeed a violent process."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"The revolution will be the flowering of humanity as love is the flowering of the heart."
Louise Michel,
Anarcho-communist, Feminist (1830 ‐ 1905)
French anarchist and feminist revolutionary
"We love to have agents provocateurs in the party, because they always propose the most revolutionary motions."
Louise Michel,
Anarcho-communist, Feminist (1830 ‐ 1905)
French anarchist and feminist revolutionary
"The Mexican people hate, by instinct, authority and the bourgeoisie."
Ricardo Flores Magon,
Anarcho-communist (1874 ‐ 1922)
Mexican anarchist and revolutionary journalist
"Hate does not produce love; we will not renew the world by hate."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist
"All that which is not liberty is against liberty. Liberty is not a thing that can be allocated."
Joseph Dejacque,
Anarcho-Communist (1821 ‐ 1864)
French early anarchocommunist, poet and essayist
"The police are making more anarchists than I could do in ten years."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Anarchism was born in a moral revolt against social injustice."
Errico Malatesta,
anarcho-communist (1853 ‐ 1932)
Influential Italian anarchist theorist
"The greatest bulwark of capitalism is militarism."
Emma Goldman,
anarcho-feminist (1869 ‐ 1940)
Influential anarchist, political activist, writer.
"Always and everywhere among us, practical problems have been resolved by a majority of votes."
Peter Arshinov,
anarcho-communist (1887 ‐ 1937)
Russian anarchist, memoirist, and metalworker

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